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A descriptive word would be an adjective.

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Q: What is a descriptive word added to a name?
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A descriptive word or phrase added to or substituted for a persons name?

A descriptive word or phrase added to or substituted for a person's name is called a nickname. It is often used to reflect a specific characteristic, personality trait, or quality of the individual. Nicknames can be endearing, humorous, or symbolic in nature.

What is the word for things added to names like the Great the Bold etc?

The word you are looking for is "epithet." Epithets are descriptive words or phrases added to someone's name to highlight a particular quality or characteristic of that person.

How do you use decripitve in a sentence?

The word is spelled descriptive. You added an extra 'i'. Tell me a descriptive story about where you grew up. The girl's tall tale was very descriptive.

A descriptive word that begins with the letter z?

Zesty is a descriptive word. Zany is a descriptive word.

What are descriptive phrases?

A descriptive phrase is added information to the subject, object,... E.g.: The girl (= subject) + who thought she was beautiful (= descriptive phrase) + verb

Is Old a descriptive word?

yes old is a descriptive word like he is an old tiger

What are some descriptive word pairs?

There are many wonderful descriptive word pairs such as deliciously delectable. Another popular descriptive word pair is magically mysterious for example.

What is a niceword that starts with o?

Outstanding is a nice descriptive word. Optimistic is a nice descriptive word.

What language does nick name come from?

The term "nick name" originally comes from the Middle English phrase "eke name," which means an additional name or descriptive term added onto a person's given name. Over time, "eke name" evolved into "nickname" in modern English.

What is another word for adjective?

Descriptive word?

What is it a descriptive word?


Is responsible a descriptive word?

Yes, "responsible" is a descriptive word that describes someone who can be trusted to do what is expected of them. It conveys a sense of reliability and dependability.