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Q: What is a drop syllable in speech called?
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What is a drop syllables?

A drop syllable is the omission of a syllable in pronunciation, typically in informal speech or through elision for easier or faster articulation. This can occur in various languages and dialects.

How many syllables does speech have?

The word "speech" has one syllable.

What is in a syllable?

A syllable is a speech sound.

Is ivory an omitted syllable?

In speech, the second syllable of "ivory" is often omitted.

How do you divide the word 'speech' into syllables?

speech is a single syllable word.

How many syllables does the word speech have?

The word "speech" has one syllable.

Is drum 1 syllable or 2?

Drum is a one syllable word.

Which syllable is the accented syllable in hyperesthesia?

Syncope is accented on the first syllable. A simple way of testing which syllable is accented is by saying the word aloud. Look for the syllable that you naturally emphasise more in your speech.

How many syllables does mathematical have?

5. Math-e-mat-i-cal. Some people drop the second syllable in colloquial speech, causing it to sound like "math-mat-i-cal."

Where is the stressed syllable on the word belief?

Belief is stressed on the second syllable. A simple way of testing which syllable is stressed is by saying the word aloud. Look for the syllable that you naturally emphasise more in your speech.

what is a unit of speech that contains one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable?

That's an iamb.

Is the syllable the smallest unit of speech?

The smallest unit of speech is a phoneme (see dictionary).