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This is known as the situational and cultural perspective in psychology. It emphasizes how behavior and thinking can differ based on the context and cultural norms. Understanding these variations can help explain why people behave differently in various situations and cultures, highlighting the importance of considering environmental influences on behavior.

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Q: What is a focus on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures and its impact on behavior?
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The four primary emotio0ns are happiness sadness anger and?

The four primary emotions are happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. These emotions are considered to be universal and experienced by people across different cultures. They play a crucial role in human behavior and serve important functions in responding to various situations.

What is the definition of personalitty?

Personality refers to the unique set of enduring traits and characteristics that define an individual's behavior, attitudes, and emotions. It encompasses a person's patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that shape how they interact with others and respond to various situations. Personality traits are thought to remain relatively stable over time and across different situations.

What theory best explains personality?

The trait theory of personality is one of the most widely accepted theories, suggesting that individuals possess a set of enduring traits that influence their behavior and responses to various situations. These traits are thought to be stable across time and situations, providing a way to understand and predict an individual's behavior.

In psychology the study of personality focuses on what?

The study of personality in psychology focuses on understanding individual differences in behavior, emotions, and cognitions. It aims to describe and explain patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are consistent over time and across different situations. Personality research includes studying traits, development, and the impact of genetics and environment.

Do people smile?

Yes, smiling is a universal expression of happiness and can also convey friendliness, warmth, and approachability. It is a natural human behavior that is seen across different cultures and societies.

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The four primary emotio0ns are happiness sadness anger and?

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Anthropology is the social science that studies past cultures and present simple cultures. It involves the study of human societies and cultures, including their development, behavior, beliefs, and customs. Anthropologists use various methods to understand the diversity of human experiences across different cultures and time periods.

Social norms have been found to?

Social norms have been found to shape behavior and influence individual choices within a society. They help regulate interactions and maintain order by providing guidelines on how to behave in different situations. These norms can change over time and vary across cultures.

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The rules of etiquett are A universal across cultures and enviorments?

True are false the rules of etiquette are universal across cultures and enviornments

What theory best explains personality?

The trait theory of personality is one of the most widely accepted theories, suggesting that individuals possess a set of enduring traits that influence their behavior and responses to various situations. These traits are thought to be stable across time and situations, providing a way to understand and predict an individual's behavior.

In psychology the study of personality focuses on what?

The study of personality in psychology focuses on understanding individual differences in behavior, emotions, and cognitions. It aims to describe and explain patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are consistent over time and across different situations. Personality research includes studying traits, development, and the impact of genetics and environment.

Do people smile?

Yes, smiling is a universal expression of happiness and can also convey friendliness, warmth, and approachability. It is a natural human behavior that is seen across different cultures and societies.

Why is te relativity of deviance most aligned wit the symbolic interactionist perspective?

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