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The Producers - the trees, shrubs and grass.

These producers make their food using the process of photosynthesis and are eaten by various herbivores in the Savanna lands. they gather up their energy from the sun to grow along with the yearly inundation.

The Primary Consumers - the zebra, elephants, antelope, and water buffalo.

These primary consumers consume the plants.

The Secondary Consumers - the cheetah, lions, snakes, and lemurs.

These secondary consumers catch their prey the primary consumers and consume them.

The Scavengers - the termites, vultures, hyena, ants, and crickets.

These scavengers then come along and eat the leftover chunks of meat the primary consumers left and didn't eat.

The Decomposes or Detriments - mushrooms, insects and microorganisms.

These break down the remnants of what the scavengers left. breaking down the bones and releases energy back to the sun and provides nutrients to the soils and becomes a fertilizer. then new plant life is produced.
every plant eaters and small insects

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Lions eat brown fur seals near the coast (northern Namib Desert region)

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It depends as per the climate . It basically means who eats whom.

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Q: What is a food chain or food web for Sahara desert?
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Food web in the Sahara desert?


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What is a difference between a food chain and a food web?

the difference is that a food chain is smaller then a food web because a food web is more animals then a food chain

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In the Simpson Desert, the food web includes plant species like spinifex grass and mulga trees that are consumed by herbivores like kangaroos and desert mice. Predators such as snakes and birds of prey then feed on these herbivores, forming a simple food chain within the desert ecosystem.

Is a cheetah in a food chain or web?

food web

Every food chain and food web transfers into?

every food web and food chain transfers into radient energy:)

How are a are a food chain and a food web alike?

the food chain and food web has someone or something eating each other.

Where do snow leopards fit in the food chain and food web?

Snow leopards are carnivores at the top of the food chain and food web

Could you use food web in a sentence?

Food web is a chain of all the living organisms in a web. It represents the food chain of living things.

Many food chains link together?

its a FOOD CHAIN OR A FOOD WEB The answer is a food web/food chain either or i know this because of a crossword i did ! Hope this helps !

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Explain what a food web is and how it differs from a food chain?

a food web is when you have different varieties and it differs because a food chain is only a line