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The secretion of the preputial gland help with nourishing the prepuce and they also have anti bacterial and anti viral properties which help defend and protect the prepuce.

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Q: What is a function of the preen gland?
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What is a preen gland?

A preen gland is an organ in a bird near the tail, producing oil to help waterproof the bird's feathers. It is also called the Uropygial gland.

What might happen to a bird with a defective preen gland?

Without the oily secretion from the preen gland, a water-bird would be unable to stay afloat on water. This would either mean the bird would drown (through being water-logged) or die from starvation through being unable to dive for food.

What function of the thyroid gland?

A function of the thyroid gland is the regulates calcium in blood

How does preening help with bird feathers to be water repellent?

Most birds will preen several times a day to keep themselves healthy.The uropygial gland, or preen gland, is an essential part of preening. This gland is found near the base of the tail and produces an oily substance that contains diester waxes that help waterproof feathers and keep them flexible. While preening, birds will spread this oil to each feather

What is the function of the thyriod gland?

The main function of the thyroid gland is to control cell metabolism.

What gland stimulates the pituitary function?

The pituitary gland!!

What is in preen?

A vegetation killer is what Preen is.

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What is the master gland that produces many hormones that control the function of other endocrine glands?

EndrinalNO, Adrenal

What is the function of the mucosal gland and its secretion?

The function is to get rid of excess mucus.

What is alveolar gland and what's its function?

A secretory salivary gland referring to the esophagus or in the mouth.

Why do your budgies preen each other?

They preen each other because they have deep affection for one another, or they're just really good friends and want to help each other out by preening " that hard spot". Budgies must preen their feathers by gathering some oil from the gland at the base of their tail and running it down each feather. They can't preen their own head and cheek feathers. Mutual preening is shared by bonded pairs as well as cage mates.