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Q: What is a function that living things perform in order to stay alive and produce more of their own kind is?
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Why do cells in all living things need energy?

Because the cells themselves need energy to perform their specific function, and to reproduce!

What function does the kidney in a dog perform?

It produces urine, like all living things. The dog can have very serious problems if it has a kidney disease.

Who discovered all living things are made up of preexisting cells?

Robert Hooke figured out that all living things were made of cells.

Does Cardbon Dioxde produce cells?

No, Because chemicals are not living things...only living things will produce cells.

What do plants produce that is important to all living things?

Oxygen is what plants produce that is important to all living things!

How are cells from different living thing alike and and how are they different?

alike answer: because all living things are made up of cells Different answer: because a cell can perform a different task or function in a different living thing

What is the importance of non living things to living things?

For me the ecosystem is the place were living the living things and non living things and the importance of it to as is that they are produce the oxygen that we are in healing

Which gas found in air is used by living things to help produce proteins in your body?

Oxygen. If we didn't have it, no process in our cells would function.

Are cells perform life functions for living things?


What do you call the theory that non-living things produce living things?

spontaneous generation

Is breathing a livivng thing?

Breathing is a function of living things but not a living things itself.

Does photosynthesis produce the carbon dioxide that most living things need to survive?

No. Photosynthesis produces O2 as a waste product, not CO2. CO2 is needed to perform photosynthesis.