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It's a bird! It's a Plane! No, It's Superman!

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Q: What is a good attention grabber for your essay about heroes?
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What is a good attention grabber for an essay about history?

thesis statement

What is a good grabber?

If you mean grabber as in an attention grabber as in a topic sentence of an essay, here are some good ways: use an interesting quote that has to do with your essay use a short suspenseful story

What is a good attention grabber sentence for an essay about how facebook is bad?

ur gay

What is a good attention grabber sentence on favorites?

This story is awesome!

What is a good attention grabber for your sports persuasive essay?

hey have you heard of a 3 pointer, free throw shot ,or a dunk? well come see your kolts play at home on february 2nd .

What would be a good grabber for the essay samurai and Knight's were the similaritys greater than the differences?

brothers from another mother

What is a good attention grabber for calcium?

"Discover the bone-boosting benefits of calcium!"

What is a good attention graber sentence for how does irony affect short stories?

"Unlocking the hidden layers of irony in short stories reveals a world where expectations are subverted and truths are exposed in unexpected ways."

What is a good attention grabber for autism?

do you know someone with autism? you can start by telling a story.. or with the shocking statistics

What is a good attention grabber for a speech on why it's good not to lie?

This might not be that good but... For any speech you need to have an attention grabber. This might be a joke, dramatic gesture or a rhetorical question. Maybe you could find a joke or riddle related to 'why it's good not to lie' That is a pretty hard topic to talk about eh?

What is the definition of attention grabber?

An attention-getter is a good way to start off an essay. You want to make it something that will interest people, get their attention. Questions and statistics usually work well.

What is a good attention grabber for opening sentence on grief and loss?

so your cat died of liver cancer....