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Q: What is a good concluding sentence for the topic autumn?
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How do you do a good conclusion?

You restate your thesis in different words and have a concluding and topic sentence in different words

What type of supporting detail that clarifies or gives additional meaning?

There are indeed three types of supporting details, namely, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. The supporting sentences is tied to the topic sentence; the detail sentences is related to supporting sentences, and concluding sentence re-emphasize the the topic sentence. In fact, there are four elements in a good paragraph - topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. I hope that solves your problem.

4 types of supporting details?

There are indeed three types of supporting details, namely, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. The supporting sentences is tied to the topic sentence; the detail sentences is related to supporting sentences, and concluding sentence re-emphasize the the topic sentence. In fact, there are four elements in a good paragraph - topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. I hope that solves your problem.

What would be a good conclusion sentence for cougars?

You need to make your conclusion sentence fit your essay topic. There are dozens of ways you could write about cougars, but we don't know what topic about cougars that you used. So it is impossible to give you a concluding sentence, because we don't know your specific topic.

What is a good concluding sentence for a summary?

The beauty of an autumn evening always leaves me speechless.

What is a good conclusion sentence for a panda?

A good concluding sentence for pandas

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A good concluding sentence is is there more faces that we will learn and the answer to that is yes

What is a good concluding sentence for Christmas and Easter essay?

A good concluding sentence for Christmas is "Have a very happy Christmas everyone!" For Easter, just change Christmas to Easter.

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Is 'I hope I can find out some things like that about you' a good concluding sentence?

That is going to depend entirely on what your essay or report was about! Your concluding sentence should sum up what you've written and basically repeat your introduction. If your essay has been about finding out things about someone, then this would make a good concluding sentence.

How are topic paragraphs like mini-essays?

An essay has a theme, supporting paragraph separated by transitions and a conclusion. In a topic paragraph, there is a main sentence (the topic sentence) which functiosn as the theme of the paragraph. There are usually several sentences that suport that topic sentence, just like in an essay, and a good topic paragraph will usually end with transition to the next topic paragraph. Some topic paragraphs may also have concluding statements.

A good topic sentence will do what?

A good topic can interest people. If you are writing a report, choosing a good topic sentence will interest you, and your reader. It is very important to choose a good topic sentence for the interest of you, and the people who will be listening to you.