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Some suggest garlic. I don't like garlic because it's in the onion family and causes anemia in dogs. I've had great results with a topical all-natural treatment of essential oils that's cut with almond oil (which is a great emollient in itself). I just spray the solution on a bandanna, rub the bandanna on my dog to distribute the scent and then sometimes tie the bandanna around my dog. I get the solution from Goodness Gracious. It's called K#9 Cologne. A four ounce bottle should last all summer for a small dog.

You have the right idea with the garlic but there needs some more direction to it. Garlic alone will help but won't eliminate the problem. I personally have 3 dogs. 2 large and 1 medium. With the following recipe I have not put any flea or tick deterrent on them for three years now.


3 cups dry rice

2 Tbls Garlic Powder

1 Tbls salt

1 Tbsp cooking oil

Put the oil in the bottom of a rice cooker or 2 qt pan. Put in rice, garlic powder, and salt and add water to cover approximately 1/2 in. Should be 4 1/2 cups or so. Let cook in rice cooker until it shuts off or in a pan on the stove approximate 20 minutes at a slow boil.

Put usual dry dog food in dish, for small dogs 1/4 cup of this mixture, medium dogs 1/2 cup, large dogs 3/4 cup and really big dogs 1 cup of the rice mixture. Mix well with the dogfood.

I also add 1 or 2 Tablespoons of canned dog food to the dry food to add flavoring. But dogs like the rice anyway so it's not really an issue to get them to eat it. Don't put more garlic in thinking it will help more. That makes it bitter and they won't eat it. You want to put more flavoring, put a beef or chicken bullion cube or broth instead of water in the rice while it's cooking.

It will take a couple of weeks to get this in the dogs system so you should use a good deterrent for the first month after you start this recipe. After that you should be fine unless there is an enormous flea and tick population in your yard. Then only 50% wettable Sevin sprayed on the yard will help the problem. And your kids are probably getting flea and tick bit too if this is the case. Keep animals and kids off of the yard after spraying for at least 24 hours.

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8y ago
Natural and Economical Dog Repellent

Ground Cayenne pepper mixed with water in a spray bottle is a great natural dog repellent. Just spray it where you don't want the dog to go. I made a trail in the lawn that I can walk through at night without stepping in the neighbor's dog's doodoo.

Bitter Apple spray can prevent chewing or getting in trash. It causes no pain but has an awful taste. Most pet stores and vet clinics sell it, and is reasonably priced.

Vapo-rub, purchased from a pharmacy or drug-store, will do the trick with most dogs but it depends on the amount of ground you're hoping to cover.

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11y ago

There are no natural remedies that will 100% (or even 90%) repel fleas and ticks; this is why the advent of medications such as those in Frontline or Advantage was greeted with relief by the veterinary community.

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15y ago

the fast way to kill tick fleas or any creepy crawlies garlic !!!! get 1 peace of garlic and drop it in the dogs drinking water... ots a old family thing and it works wonders i promise

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15y ago

Frontline Plus every month, start applying it in March if you live where there are 4 seasons and stop using it around October.

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12y ago

Give your ANIMAL a bath you RETARDS!

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12y ago

Spread peanut butter all over him/her. It will kill all ticks.

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Q: What is a Natural way to kill ticks on a dog?
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How do you keep your dog from getting ticks?

The best way to keep your dog from getting ticks is to keep them clean. You can wash them in a shampoo that will help repel ticks.

How can one treat dog ticks without hurting the dog?

There are many great ways to rid your dogs of ticks. The most common way is to get Tick Shampoo to wash the Ticks off of animals without harming them.

Tips for Proper Tick Removal?

While owning a dog can be a great experience, a dog's natural instinct to hunt or explore can often lead to them walking through brush or unkempt areas. In some situations, particularly during the warmer summer months, walking through bushes or a forest could cause the dog to attract ticks. If the dog happens to attract some ticks, there are several things that you could do to get the ticks removed from your dog's hair. The first way that you can remove ticks from your dog would be by removing them with a pair of tweezers and doing it by hand. In most cases, dogs do not attract a lot of ticks, so it is possible to remove them all by hand in a reasonable amount of time. If you choose to remove the ticks by hand, it is very important that you do so very carefully. Ticks tend to latch on to the dog's skin very tightly. If they do not let go right away, you may be tempted to squeeze harder. Unfortunately, this could cause the tick to be crushed and start bleeding, which could cause more problems. Instead, carefully remove each one gently by hand. Another tip when looking to remove ticks would be to use a shampoo designed for tick removal. Certain shampoos and soaps can be applied that are designed to kill all ticks and other bugs in the dog's hair. If the shampoo is applied correctly, the ticks should be removed almost instantly. Be sure to scrub the dog's hair to ensure that the shampoo reaches the dog's skin. Regardless of the treatment method that you choose, you need to continue to check your dog for ticks going forward, even if your dog does not show the normal symptoms for ticks. Be sure to closely examine your dog's fur and skin with a microscope every couple of days following your remediation. If the ticks are not all removed, complete the remediation again or consult your veterinarian, who may be able to provide you with other medication that could help you remove the ticks from your dog.

Safe way to kill ticks?

Ticks can be safely killed by lighter exposure. You can Also rip off their heads, and if that doesn't work, then light them on fire in an ash tray.

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it has Carbonated water,High fructose,corn syrup,caramal color,Phosphoric acid,Natural flavors, and Caffine. that stuff can not kill your dog in any way.

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What do I put on my lawn to get rid of ticks?

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if your dog is suffering and thier is no way arond it or the dog bit you or some one els and by law you have to him/her down then no it is legal to kill him/her but it is illegal to kill him/her for being mad at the dog

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How to Eliminate Ticks and Fleas from Your Dog?

If your dog is suffering from fleas or ticks there are plenty of ways to rid your beloved companion of those annoying bugs and get it healthy and feeling great once again. Below are some tips on how to prevent and eliminate fleas and ticks from a dog:We'll begin with preventative measures. There are products, like flea bombs, that you can apply to your dog to prevent it from getting fleas and ticks. You also need to treat your yard and have the inside of your home sprayed to prevent your dog from getting fleas. To keep your dog from getting ticks, don't take it to any tall grassy areas or into the woods, as these are prime areas where ticks jump onto or latch onto larger animals.If your dog does wind up getting a tick you can use a simple pair of tweezers to pull the tick out of its skin, but you'll have to locate the tick first and that can be problematic. Make sure you wear gloves any time you attempt to remove a tick from your dog. If the tick is embedded in your dog's skin, have it professionally removed as soon as possible.Another option if your dog is already infected is to give it a bath with a special medicated shampoo that works against fleas and ticks.An effective way of removing fleas is to use a fine-toothed pet comb designed for flea removal.Some symptoms to look for that will tip you off that your dog has fleas or ticks is excessive scratching and biting around their body. Take heed of the preventative measures listed above because the best way to eliminate fleas and ticks is to prevent them from getting on your dog in the first place. Keep your home clean and keep your dog's bedding area as clean as possible at all times. Most importantly, bathe your dog regularly (at least once a week) to keep it clean and healthy.

Why does your dog still have ticks when you treat him with medicine?

The only way that your dog will be able to come free of ticks, is either by removing with tweezers the tick, but you must remember to clear both the head and the body. Also, you need to make sure that you find a type of medication, preferably recommended by your local vet that will cause the tick to come out. Ask them whether vasaline is a good method.