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Its better to have an enemy that hates you then a friend who secretly puts me down...:P

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Q: What is a good enemy quote?
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What is the whole quote from Pogo including We met the enemy...?

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Who said Good taste is the enemy of comedy?

Mel Brooks ------------------- Jack Benny (1930's) is often credited with that quote - but he wasnt the first.

Is the quote friend of your enemy is your enemy an Arabic quote?

Yes, the quote "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is said to have originated in ancient Arabic military tactics. This principle suggests forming alliances with one's enemies' enemies for mutual benefit in conflict situations.

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There are many quotations referring to "the enemy within", but an African proverb states: = "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." =

One of your good friend trust one of your worst enemy can you still trust the good friend?

Everyone is an individual and sometimes personalities clash, but that does not mean your good friend's personality clashes with the person you consider your worst enemy. Communicate to your best friend how you feel about this situation and if they say they are still your best friend, but like your worst enemy then you have no choice but to believe them. Quote: 'Keep your enemies close!'

What is the famous quote of naval commander oliver hazard perry?

"We have met the enemy and they are ours. "

When was The Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good created?

The Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good was created in 2003.

What is a good 4th of July freedom quote?

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.

When you get a car insurance quote how long is the quote good for?

The quote is good for as long as the policy is. For example, if you have a one year policy then it would be good for one year.

Who said I have seen the enemy and he is us?

A comic strip character named Pogo. The actual quote is: "We have met the enemy and he is us". Pogo author, Walt Kelly, first used the quote on a poster for Earth Day in 1970. For more info, visit

What are examples of tyranny and oppression in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy?

The current state of the US. that quote is now.

What does this Quote mean A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have?

I would say that it is very close in meaning to, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," meaning that people who have a common enemy can find it very easy to put aside their differences and work together.