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A good insurance settlement means that the recipient of the settlement receives a fair amount in compensation for the event or accident. An insurance adjuster or attorney may help in getting a good insurance settlement.

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You must turn in keys and title to the insurance company once they have paid you for the loss - regardless of the condition of the vehicle. It is your choice to accept or not the settlement.

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You don't. A signed settlement is a legal binding agreement between you and the insurance company.

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No, by signing the settlement you are waving the insurance company and the opperator from any further liability.

Do you know anyone that has had to wait on a life insurance settlement?

Their is usually some waiting period for a life insurance settlement, but it usually does not take a long time. If too much time goes by without receiving your settlement, I would contact the life insurance company.

What is the largest life insurance settlement in the world?

That's a very good question. That information is not published by companys not even Ripley's Believe it or Not.

Do you pay taxes on auto insurance settlement for bodily injury?

No. This type of settlement is not generally taxable.

What is the average insurance settlement for broken bone injury in Georgia?

What is the aveage insurance settlement for broken bone injuries that required surgery and screws placed in the bone.

Do you pay taxes on the settlement of an insurance claim?

You do not generally have to pay taxes on an insurance settlement claim. You can check with your tax firm or accountant for the rules specific to your state.

What are the tax consequences of a life insurance settlement?

You may have to pay capital gains taxes on a life insurance settlement in addition to any income taxes you might owe. Consult with a CPA or tax attorney to learn more about what tax consequences that a life insurance settlement may have.

What is an annuity settlement?

An annuity settlement is a payment to an individual for a settlement, typically from an insurance claim. It's basically any type of settlement for legal suit or other such cases.