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#1. Subject (who or what is doing something; examples-person's name, he, she, it or they)

#2. Preposition (a word that shows position, time or location and is part of a phrase; examples -on, at, in, after, down, near... see your purple sheet for more)

#3. Adverb (usually tells how, or when something happened and ends in -ly...see your green sheet)

#4. -ing word Example: Screaming, the child fled from the malicious mad man.

#5 VSS (very short sentence-5 words or less)

#6 Clausal (- when, where, while, as, since, if, although)

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11y ago

Sentence openers are good sentences at the beginning of a paragraph. The six sentence openers are. *all the below was writen by Amanda Thayer i take no credit for any of it.

#1. Subject (who or what is doing something; examples-person's name, he, she, it or they) #2. Preposition (a word that shows position, time or location and is part of a phrase; examples -on, at, in, after, down, near... see your purple sheet for more)

#3. Adverb (usually tells how, or when something happened and ends in -ly...see your green sheet)

#4. -ing word Example: Screaming, the child fled from the malicious mad man.

#5 VSS (very short sentence-5 words or less)

#6 Clausal (- when, where, while, as, since, if, although) - Amanda Thayer

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11y ago

Some examples would be...........He speaks, I believe the truth.. it is a closer because the first part where it said he speaks cant stand on its on it a to have another sentence to go on with it to be a complete sentence

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14y ago

ing/ed-provided,wanting,waiting ly-Luckily,quickly,strongly

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surprised by

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Q: What is a good sentence opener?
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What is a sentence opener?

The first sentence in a paragraph. It givesm the reader and idea of what the paragraph/essay is going to be about.

What kind of sentence opener is the word there?

There is a good question. In this case, it is a preposition.

What kind of sentence opener is later?

a subject

Can an opener be in the middle of a sentence?

Yes, an opener can be in the middle of a sentence as long as it is set off by punctuation such as commas. For example, "However, despite his efforts, he still did not succeed."

What kind Of sentence opener is often?

An introductory phrase or clause is often used as a sentence opener. This allows for varied sentence structures and can help to provide context or background information before the main subject of the sentence is introduced.

What does a pronoun opener do?

A pronoun opener introduces a pronoun in a sentence and helps avoid repetition of a noun. For example, in the sentence "Mary went to the store. She bought groceries," "She" is the pronoun opener that refers back to Mary without restating her name.

Is 'many' a sentence opener?

In most cases yes.

What is an prepositional opener?

A prepositional opener is a type of sentence structure where a prepositional phrase is used at the beginning of a sentence to provide additional information or context. It can help set the scene or clarify the relationships between different elements in a sentence.

How do you use raise in a sentence?

Please raise your hand to answer ask questions. Raise the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.

What is function of can opener?

to open a canned good ;)

What is a prepositional sentence opener?

A prepositional sentence opener is when a sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, which typically includes a preposition and a noun. This type of structure adds variety to sentence structure, provides important information about time, location, or manner, and helps create a smooth flow in writing.

Is the Gizmo Cordless can opener a good investment?

If you have difficulty opening cans with a normal can opener and use a lot of canned goods then I would recomend this product. Although it is much more pricier than the ordinary can opener that you have to twist, it is a good investment if necessary. This is also a good investment for those who are suffering from arthritis and aren't able to twist the manual can opener.