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The Pilgrims formed a representative government to oversee the colony.

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Q: What is a good sentence using representative government?
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the US has a limited government.

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The interim mayor did a good job while he was in office.

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The welfare of the people should be an important concern for any government.

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A good caliph in the Muslim government needs to rule with authority.

What is a good sentence using the word republic?

A republic is a form of government where the power resides with the people. A good sentence would be: The United States is a Federal republic.

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Over time, informal amendments to the constitution have shaped its interpretation and application, reflecting changing societal values and norms.

What is the difference between a representative government and a responsible government?

A representative government is supposedly the U.S. government. Theoretically, we hold elections to elect our REPRESENTATIVES, who are supposed to represent what the majority of their constituents rule on an issue (i.e., "of, by and for people." A representative's constituents reside in a designated geographical area called districts, for whom the representative is elected. Of course, our laws claim representative government. It is anything but. Politics used to be an honorable profession. Responsible government is when representatives come together representing the COMMON good for the greater good, not the special interest good purchased by money to benefit only a chosen few.

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a good sentence using renewable resources is ... chalk is a renewable resource

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