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despite everything, i do believe all people are truly good at heart

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freedom is power

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Q: What is a good slogan for the diary of Anne frank?
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Why should people read Anne Frank's diary?

people should read te diary of anne frank because it's a very good story:)

What is a epitaph written of Anne Frank?

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank

Was Anne Frank's diary a hoax?

No, Anne Frank's diary is not a hoax. It is an authentic account written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who documented her experiences and emotions while in hiding during the Holocaust. The diary provides valuable insights into the human experience during World War II.

Where can you go to read anne franks diary?

annes diary today is in the museum where she went into hiding.

What is a good non-fiction book that has a plot and is for the ages 10-13?

The Diary of Anne Frank

What happened to annes diary when she was arrested?

Anne Frank's diary was left behind in the hiding place when she and her family were arrested. Miep Gies, one of the helpers who had been providing food and supplies to the hiding place, later found and saved the diary after the family was taken into custody by the Nazis.

Did Anne Frank have a hiding spot for her diary?

if u call a writing desk drawer a hiding spot then yes,she did have a spot p.s. u should see the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank" its sooo good and romantic but sad

What does mazel tov mean in the diary of anne frank?

In the context of "The Diary of Anne Frank," "mazel tov" is a phrase used to express congratulations or good wishes. It is a Yiddish phrase commonly used in Jewish culture, especially during celebratory occasions.

Why did Anne Frank change the Van Pels to Van Daan?

Anne Frank changed the name of the Van Pels family to Van Daan to protect their identity in her diary. She wanted to conceal their true identities in case her diary was discovered and to respect their privacy.

Can you buy Anne Frank's diary?

yes you can. You can probably find it in any good libraries. But if you are talking about the original one, no. Its in her Museum.

In the diary of Anne Frank how much money did th van daans get for selling the rabbit skin coat?

In Anne Frank's diary, the Van Daans received 125 guilders for selling the rabbit skin coat.

What is a good thesis statement for the diary of Anne Frank?

A possible thesis statement for "The Diary of Anne Frank" could be: "Through the intimate reflections recorded in Anne Frank's diary, the profound impact of war on individuals is revealed, emphasizing the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity and the enduring importance of bearing witness to history."