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Bella, the maincharacter, falls in love with a new world. A world of vampire's and werewolf's. Especially when that world has her lover Edward in it! They fall in love, just when everything perfect... BAM! Edward leaves her. Just like that, she is heartbroken, literally. She doesn't eat for days, doesn't talk to anyone, goes to sleep dreamless. She is a hollow soul. The last words Edward said to her were" Be safe" Later she realizes when she does something dangerous she can hear his voice. S of course she goes cliff diving, she was perfectly fine. But Alice only See's her jump! She Tell's Edward she did suicide, goes to check it out herself. While Edward goes to kill himself! She fines out Bella's all right, goes and saves Edward, get a warning from the voltari, and all of a sudden she realizes she has feelings for Jacob!!! Bella gets married, on the honeymoon, she gets pregnant, while she's having it Edward turns her into a vampire. And other stuff happens. okay, im bored. BYE BYE!

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6mo ago

"Twilight" follows the love story between Bella Swan, a human girl, and Edward Cullen, a vampire. Their relationship is tested by the challenges of Bella's desire to become a vampire herself, as well as by external threats to their safety from other vampires and werewolves in the town of Forks, Washington. The novel explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the struggle between light and darkness.

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13y ago

When seventeen-year-old Bella leaves Phoenix to live with her father in Forks,Washington, she meets an exquisitely handsome boy at schoolfor whom she feels an overwhelming attraction and who she comes to realize is not wholly human.

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Basically, it's just the summary of the main idea. If you've ever shopped for a book and saw the summary of the book, that's the plot summary; it just took everything important, all the main ideas, from the book and simplified it into a paragragh or two that told you all about the book in short. A plot summary is just that; a summary of the plot.

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Anything can be an example! Go read a book or watch a movie -- then tell a friend what happened. That is a plot summary.

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the plot of the summary is to explain the whole plot of the book because all the summary is is a recap of the main story's plot so you basically just restate the plot of the story in you summary paragraph

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It might depend on the purpose of the plot summary. If it is a summary being given in order to motivate a customer's purchase, a good plot summary would not give away the ending, so the reader would have to get the book and find out for themselves.However, if this is for something like a class assignment, a teacher might expect a thorough summary of the entire story. If it is a school assignment, double check with the teacher to find out what his/her expectations are.

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It's the same idea and the same plot, but of course, in the movie they cut out certain parts of the book and some things are different.

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