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a school of x-rayfish

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Q: What is a group of x-ray fish called?
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xray fish

What is a group for a fish called?

A group of fish is called a "School".

How you call a group of fish?

A group of fish is called a school of fish.

What are a group of fish called in the coral reef?

a group of fish in the coral reefs is called a school of fish

How do you write a group of fish?

A group of fish is called a school of fish or a shoal of fish.

What is the name of a groop of fish or whales?

a group of fish is called a 'school' of fish and a group of whales are called a 'pod' of whales.

What you called a group of fish?

A group of fish is called a school, shoal, draft, run, haul, or catch.

What can be used to describe a gorup of fish or whales?

A group of fish is called a school. A group of whales is called a pod.

What is group of fishes called?

It largely depends on what type of fish. Generally, a group of fish is called a school. However, sharks are fish as well and a group of sharks is called a gam, herd, pod, or shiver. Rays are also fish, but groups of rays are called a fever, draught, drift, scale, school, or shoal. Eels, another type of fish, in a group are called a swarm. A group of barracuda are called a battery. A group of seahorses is a herd.

What is a group of fishcalled?

A school is what a group of fish is called.

What is a group puffer fish called?

The group name for puffer fish would be school.

What are large and dangerous fish called?

A group of large fish is called a hunt