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Q: What is a jaguars chance of long-term survival?
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What do jaguars do for survival?

They require prey, water, and cover in which to stalk prey and have their young.

Why do mammals have the greatest chance of survival in the animal kingdom?

mammals have a greater chance of survival because they can adopt to changes in their environment.

What do jaguars need for survival?

Jaguars are listed by the IUCN as Near Threatened.

What does natural selection change the frequently of?

If there is a genetic mutation in an individual strong enough to modify there chance of survival it opens the door for natural selection. If the effect is positive they are more likely to outlive their original species. If it is negative it decreases their chance of outliving their original species. Also known as survival of the fittest it favors positive trays by "eliminating" negative ones.

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the Euglena has a better chance of survival because it can capture prey.

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So you have less of a chance of dying.....

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O% chance

How do a jaguar's adaptations help survival?

i think that a jaguars adaptaions help suvival because it can sneak up on enimys with camoflage

Will hyenas kill and eat jaguars?

No, jaguars and hyenas live on different continents. They never meet in nature.