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It is a derogatory word meaning fool or idiot.

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Q: What is a jenny jackass?
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What nicknames does Jenny Krochmal go by?

Jenny Kramer goes by Little Tiger, and Deadly Blossom.

What nicknames does Jenny Marrero go by?

Jenny Marrero goes by Jenny Marie, and Jema.

What is the birth name of Jenny Riutta?

Jenny Riutta's birth name is Jenny Jean Riutta.

What is the birth name of Jenny Rainwater?

Jenny Rainwater's birth name is Jenny Elizabeth Rainwater.

What is the birth name of Jenny Mollen?

Jenny Mollen's birth name is Jenny Ann Mollen.

Related questions

What is femine of jakass?

The feminine form of "jackass" is "jenny," which refers to a female donkey.

Is a jackass a bird?

A jackass is a male donkey (or just "jack) while a female is a jenny. It's also of course a slang term for an idiot or fool.

What do you call a male donkey and a female donkey?

A male can be called a "Jack" and a female can be called a "Jenny."

Opposite gender of jackass?

A jackass or jack is a male donkey. A female donkey is called a jenny, so that's probably the word you're after.

What is a nickname for a donkey?

A Jenny is a nick name for a female donkey.

What is a male jenny- ass?

A jenny is a female ass or donkey. The male is called a jack. Ever hear of a jackass? That's where the term comes from. It's an actual animal. They're not really dumb, by the way, though people we call "jackass" usually are. Actual asses or donkeys are very smart animals, and survive in the wild very well.

What do you call an immature female donkey?

A male donkey is called a Jack and a female donkey is called a Jennet.

Was jackass 3 the last jackass movie?

nope theres a jackass 3.5

What is the Feminine gender of jackass?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun 'jackass' (or jack) is a gender specific noun for a male donkey.The gender specific noun for a female donkey is jenny.

How do you say jackass in German?

Jackass = Esel

What is the name of a celebration beginning with the letter J?

Jackass festival Jackass festival Jackass festival

Is jackass 3d the last jackass?

They also have Jackass 3.5, which is a followup of Jackass 3D with footage they didn't use for the original film. Also, they have filmed a Jackass 4 that should be out sometime early in 2012.