

What is a kite made from?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What is a kite made from?
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What made kite really happy?

Kite flew up in the so it made really happy.

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A kite was being made by Rama.

Who was the first person to make a kite?

i think up side first kite made

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How does a Chinese dragon kite fly?

Basically the lift of the kite is made by the actual parts of the tail. The feathers on the kite make it sturdy in the wind.

During what dynasty was the kite made?

It was made in the Han dynasty.

Who made first kite?

The kite comes to us from the Chinese. They were flying them some 2800 years ago. The Kite was invented in china by Lua ben

Who made the smallest kite?

No one knows

Who made the world's smallest kite?

No one knows

What did Lawrence Hargrave discover?

he made the box kite .

Who was the person that made the first kite?

It is unknown who made the very first kite since kites have existed for almost 3000 years. The first kite was probably made from a large leaf or from cloth. Pacific Islanders have been using kites to fish with for centuries and continue to do so today.