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Q: What is a layer composed largely of cardiac muscle tissue?
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What layer is composed largely of cardiac muscle tissue?


What tissue is your heart composed of?

Cardiac Muscle tissue =)

What tissue is composed of cardiac muscle?


The heart muscle is composed of a specialized type of muscle tissue called?

the cardiac muscle also known as myocardium is a muscular tissue of the heart

What is a layer of the heart largely composed of cardiac muscle tissue?

This word can be broken down into two parts that will reveal the answer to your question. Myo is the medical term for muscle and cardio is the medical term for heart. Therefore, your answer would be the muscle that is the heart.

Is brain cardiac muscle?

No. The brain is made up of nervous tissue, which is composed of specialized cells called neurons. Muscle tissue is composed of myocytes, or "muscle cells", which have a different organization, structure and function than nervous tissue.

What Cardiac Muscle makes up what organ?

Cardiac muscle is made of cardiac muscle cells. Cardiac muscle is under the control of the autonomous nervous system and is not susceptible to fatigue

Which tissue has intercalated discs?

cardiac muscles/involuntary muscle

Is cardiac muscle smooth or straited?

The tissue which makes up cardiac muscle has striations present. The heart, which is made up of special cardiac muscle is composed of lots of branching cells that join into a continuous mass by intercalated discs. Cardiac muscle is also known as striated involuntary muscle. This cardiac muscle tissue forms the bulk of the heart walls of each chamber. The striations in cardiac muscle are irregular, but they are present. Striated muscle is also found in skeltal muscle tissue, skeletal muscle tissue unlike cardiac muscle tissue has a regular striated structure which you can easily see through histolgy.

The myocardium is composed of a specialized type of muscle tissue called?

Cardiac muscle. It's a type of striped muscle but involuntary (self-depolarizes).

What is the muscle tissue found in the heart?

Smooth cardiac muscle.

Which muscle cells commonly branch?

The muscle cells which commonly branch are the cardiac muscle cells. The other muscles do not have any branched cells.