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I believe it's laccolith - NovaNet

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Q: What is a lens-shaped intrusive igneous mass that forms close to Earth's surface?
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What is igneous rock that forms below earths surface extrusive or intrusive?


When rock that forms when magma hardens beneath earths surface is called an?

Intrusive igneous rock

When Igneous rock that forms when magma hardens beneath earths surface?

Intrusive igneous rock

What are extrusive and intrusive igneous rock?

Extrusive rocks are formed outside of earths surface. Intrusive rocks are formed inside earths surface.

A large mass of intrusive igneous rock that is beneath the earths surface is a?

batholith!! :)

What is the kind of igneous rock that forms below earths surface called?

Intrusive igneous rock (plutonic rock).

What type of igneous rock forms beneath Earths surface?

Igneous rock that forms within the Earth is intrusive.

Does plutoinic mean intrusive?

No, plutonic does not mean intrusive. However, in geology a pluton is a body of intrusive igneous rock, that has crystallized on the Earths surface.

What igneous rocks form below Earths surface?

Igneous rocks that form below the Earth's surface are called intrusive igneous rocks. They crystallize when magma enters an underground chamber and cools very slowly.

Where is each type of igneous rock formed?

The Extrusive igneous rock is formed on the earths surface while the Intrusive igneous rock is formed within or inside the earths crust.

Igneous rock that forms when magma hardens beneath earths surface is called?

Intrusive igneous rock

If magma crystallizes before it reaches earths surface it will form a what igneous rock?

It will for an intrusive igneous rock. They usually take longer to cool and have more coarse grains.