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Q: What is a light metal used in some saucepans and window frames?
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What is the difference between metal halide and mercury vapour lights?

In a metal halide light, the electricity heats a metal filament to a high temperature creating an extremely bright light. Metal ions burn off. A gas of the halide group (chlorine, bromine, iodine) reacts with the metal ions that have burned off and redeposit them on the filament. Because the filament is constantly being rebuilt, it can be brighter than a regular light bulb. Also it heats the gas to the point where the gasses give off light. So both the filament and the gasses give off light. With a mercury vapor light, mercury vapor is heated until it gives off ultraviolet light. The filament only serves to heat the mercury. It does not give off light. This light is used to excite phosphrus and other chemicals on the edge of the bulb. Those chemicals glow in the visible light spectrum. As a result, they illuminate.

What do you call a beam of light so powerful it can cut threw metal?

Laser Beam

Can you install shades on vinyl windows?

Of course. Just like wood, metal or any other window. Normally the hardware for any shade isn't attached to the window, but the wall or sconce anyway. (The last several years, vinyl windows are the most popular ones by far. Used in lots of new homes as well as remodels. You seeing many people living without shades?)

Where and how many are the head light relays on your 1984 300zx they wont light up?

The most frequent problem with headlamps on 1984 z is the switch that connects to the control at the steering wheel (follow instructions to dissemble the steering column under shields) replace switch and kiss problems goodbye. the metal paddles are build to light in the OEM part (this should have been a recall)

How can you use a potato to light a light bulb?

Simple Potato Battery Select two different metal strips and one potato. Use a copper and a zinc coated metal strip. We need galvanized metal so the zinc can react. Carefully place the metal strips into the potato. Congratulations! You have just made a battery! Simple, yes? Now you will learn about your battery. Now, you may be wonder, what is causing a chemical reaction? Here is the explanation: 1. the potato has a mild phosphoric acid content H3PO4 2. reduction at Cu (copper) electrode: 2H+ + 2e- -> H2 gas 3. oxidation at Zn (zinc) electrode: Zn -> Zn++ + 2e- The H3PO4 acid puts the hydrogen ions in solution.

Related questions

What kind of metal is window frames?

Window frames are usually made of aluminum.

What is heaviest nonferrous metal is?

Aluminium:Aluminium is a widely used non ferrous metal. It is Grayish-White in colour, soft and malleable. This non ferrous metal is conductive to heat and electricity. It is corrosion resistant. Aluminium can be welded but this is difficult. Special processes need to be adopted in order to weld it properly. Due to its light weight, it is used in the manufacturing of aircrafts and boats. Its other uses are window frames, saucepans, packaging and insulation, pistons and cranks.

What metal is window frames made out of?

The top horizontal element of a window frame is the head. The bottom horizontal element of the window frame is the sill.

One who sells metal goods eg saucepans nails etc?

An IRONMONGER sells metal goods e.g. saucepans, nails etc.

Is a metal window frame a circuit conductor?

No, a metal window frame is not a circuit conductor unless it is intentionally part of an electrical circuit. In standard construction, metal window frames are typically grounded and do not conduct electricity.

What are the properties of aluminum saucepans?

wood and stainless metal

What are two disadvantages of wooden window frames?

Moisture can lead to wraping and twisting of timber.Maintanace may be required (depending on hardwood/softwood)compared to PVC and metal frames

Why do you have metal saucepans?

Metals are good thermal conductors which is good for cooking.

How profitable is the metal window and door manufacturing business?

The metal doors, sash, frames, molding, and trim industry is an extremely competitive industry with a low profit margin.

Why are bicycle frames made from metal?

Simply because it's strong enough, light enough and cheap enough.

What are metal picture frames made of?


What are three characteristics of a frame?

A frame provides structure for holding or enclosing an object, such as a picture or window. Frames can be made of various materials, like wood or metal. Frames often have a decorative or aesthetic quality that enhances the appearance of the object they surround.