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A compound microscope

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Compound light microscope.

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compound microscope

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Q: What is a light microscope that has two more lenses?
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What instrument uses light and lenses is used to view cells?

An optical microscope uses light and one or more lenses to view cells. An optical microscope with two or more lenses is called a compound optical microscope.

What instrument that uses light and two or more lenses is used to view cells?

A microscope is the instrument that uses light and two or more lenses to view cells. The lenses in a microscope help to magnify and focus the light on the sample, allowing us to see the fine details of the cell structure.

A light microscope that has two lenses is called a?

compound microscope.

What is a type of microscope made up of two or more lenses?

A compound microscope is made up of two or more lenses. These lenses work together to magnify and focus light onto a specimen, allowing for detailed observation of small objects.

What is a light microscope having two lenses called?

a compound microscope

What is an instrument that allows light to pass through the specimen and uses two lens to from an image called?

The answer you are looking for is called a dissecting or stereo microscope. These provide a lower magnification range in comparison to compound microscopes and they use two sets of lenses, the eyepiece and the objective lenses. these then provide a 3D image.

How many lenses does a compound microscope have?

The term compound microscope normally refers to a light microscope that uses two or more lenses to magnify objects. (Two lenses does not refer to the number of eye pieces as does the term binocular microscope.) This is to be distinguished from a simple light microscope with a single lens. There are many modern variations of the light microscope which have more specialized names but which may still be "compound" with the meaning that they have multiple stages of magnification. See related links.

Magnifies by allowing light to pass through an object and then through two or more lenses?

a compound light microscope

A light microscope that has two or more lenses is called a?

A light microscope that has two or more lenses is called a compound microscope. Compound microscopes use two sets of lenses to magnify the image, typically consisting of an objective lens near the specimen and an eyepiece lens near the eye. This arrangement allows for higher magnification and resolution compared to simple microscopes.

Microscope made up of two or more lenses?

Yes, two lenses can make a simple microscope. More are usually used. A magnifying glass - one lens - is the simplest microscope.

What Uses two or more glass lenses to magnify either living cells or prepared slides?

compound light microscopeCompound Light Microscope

What type microscope allows light to pass through the specimen and uses two lenses to form an image?

a compound light microscope