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Elephants usually do not disturb lions, but will not let anything get in their way. Buffalo are not afraid of lions. A buffalo will not run away at the sight of a lion, unless it sees the herd. Lions have to share territory with leopards and cheetahs. Lions will kill off cubs of other animals to reduce the competition for their young. Female lions will follow the mother cheetah carrying back food for her cubs. Cheetah cubs will run up a tree to hide. Lions will settle with taking away other animals prey. Availability of prey waxes and wanes. Prey is plentiful after rains. Rain brings grass that sustains prey.
They roar really loud

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12y ago

they are very play full with each-other

Adult males are very territorial and possessive of their females and the hunting grounds. They will fight another male to the death if the interloper tries to take over his pride.

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15y ago

By staying in a pride and attacking any animal that tries to come near the pride.

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they roar and growl to communicate

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Q: What is a lion's behavior with other lions?
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Lions are indigenous to Africa. Other than the lions in the zoo, lions do not live in Australia.

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Why do lions fight with other lions?

Mostly because of food and who gets control of the female lions.

Why do lions fight?

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White lions are white and other lions aren't

How do ses lions act towards other sea lions?

they do nothing

Do lion growl?

Lions growl as a warning to other lions or animals.