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Q: What is a lowland between two highlands called?
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the lowland between two mountains is called a?

the lowland between tow mountains is called a valley as a valley is a stretch of low land between hill ranges or two mountains

The Scandinavian Highlands make part of the border between which two countries?

Norway and Sweden.

What is the difference between lowland and mountaion top locations?

Lowland would indicate areas that are generally near the base of a mountain or a range of them. This lowland doesn't necessarily have to be on, or near sea level. Mountain top, would indicate areas that are on, or near the mountain top. These two areas are places where two types of gorillas live: The lowland gorillas and the mountain gorillas - found somewhere near Rwanda, Africa.

What are the two highland regions on the eastern side of South America?

The Brazillian Highlands and the Guiana Highlands

What are the similarities between Ireland and Australia?

They are both Celtic nations. There has been a lot of emigration between the two countries down through the centuries. Geographically, being in the same region of the world, they have similar attributes in terms of mountains, lakes etc. They have similar weather. They are close neighbours. For these and many reasons there are lots of similarities between them.The similarities are more marked in the case of the Highlands and Ireland with their common Gaelic culture than they are with Lowland Scotland. On the other hand, the Protestant population of Northern Ireland has strong connections with Lowland Scotland.

What is the important physical features of Rhode Island?

One important feature of the state of Rhode Island is that it is divided in to two regions one is called the New England Upland and the other is called the Coastal Lowland. The coastal lowland is often called the Narragansett Basin.

Are plains and plateus the two forms of lowland?


What is the difference between lowland and highland?

High Islands are large mountains and are formed from volcano. They have fertile soil and can grow crops. Low Islands are the opposite, they have poor soil and cannot produce crops. Hope this helps, Mahalo nui loa.

What is Low land between two mountains is called?

Lower land between two mountains is called a valley.

What two resources were mostly found in the lowland region of Maya territory?

Cotten and cacao

What are two types of terrain on the moon?

The two distinctive types of terrain on the moon are the cratery and mountainous highlands and the dark flat maria, the maria are darker in color than the maria.

Lines running between the two poles are called as?

Lines running between two poles are called Semicircles