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a perception of phenomenon by sight, sound, touch, and etc. <<whatever that means

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Q: What is a macroscopic observation?
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What is a macroscopic cell?

A macroscopic cell can be seen without the aid of a microscope.

When was Macroscopic Observatory created?

Macroscopic Observatory was created in 2009.

Is a germ macroscopic microscopic or both?

A germ is microscopic as well as macroscopic.

What are macroscopic elements?

Macroscopic elements are elements that can be seen with the naked eye or analyzed using macroscopic techniques, such as visual inspection or simple laboratory tests. Examples include iron, copper, and aluminum. These elements are distinct from microscopic elements, which require more sophisticated techniques, such as electron microscopy, to analyze.

Is it microscopic or macroscopic to approach Gastroenterology?

The study of Gastroenterology can be both microscopic as well as macroscopic.

What are four examples of macroscopic pathogens?

lice, ticks ,roundworm, dracunculus are macroscopic pathogens

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Is the study of thermodynamics concerned primarily with microscopic or macroscopic processes?

Thermodynamics is primarily concerned with macroscopic processes, such as heat and work interactions at the system level. While thermodynamics does build upon concepts from statistical mechanics for a microscopic understanding, its main focus is on the overall behavior of systems rather than individual particles.

Write both forward and reverse reactions and describe the macroscopic characterstics of each?

Forward reaction: A + B -&gt; C + D Reverse reaction: C + D -&gt; A + B Macroscopic characteristics: In the forward reaction, reactants A and B are consumed to produce products C and D. In the reverse reaction, products C and D are consumed to produce reactants A and B. The macroscopic characteristics would include changes in concentration of the reactants and products over time, as well as any observable changes in temperature, color, or pressure.