

What is a malliable?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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To be malleable (instead of malliable) means that the object can be flattened or molded relatively easily. Play-Doh would be a very malleable object, and aluminum is relatively malleable compared to chalk, which is almost not malleable at all (everything is at least slightly malleable, and there is no such thing as 100% malleable.)

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2w ago

"Malleable" refers to a material's ability to be easily shaped or molded without breaking. This property is commonly seen in metals like gold and silver, which can be hammered or pressed into different shapes without breaking.

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Q: What is a malliable?
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Mainly extremly strong, but light, aluminium. This is held together with iron bolts to sucure. Aluminium is light and to an extent malliable (flexible) so it can be used to make cylinders like space shuttels. I work for NASA Design Plan Department (NDPD) and so have much knowledge on this type of question :)

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What are some characteristics of tin?

Tin is a silvery-white metal with a low melting point and high malleability. It is corrosion-resistant and commonly used as a coating for other metals to prevent rusting. Tin is also non-toxic and often used in food packaging and soldering materials.

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Gold is known for its high ductile property and this property is advantageous in making of very fine art jwellery . Gold is known for its high ductile property and this property is advantageous in making of very fine art jwellery . Gold is known for its high ductile property and this property is advantageous in making of very fine art jwellery . Gold is known for its high ductile property and this property is advantageous in making of very fine art jwellery .

Can dwarf rabbits eat grass?

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What are the three properties of iron?

Iron is a metal that is malleable and ductile, meaning it can be easily shaped without breaking. Iron is a good conductor of electricity and heat. Iron can form different oxidation states, such as Fe2+ and Fe3+, making it useful in various chemical reactions.

Can you machine embroidery on a knitted item?

You can try - In terms of whether the machine will let you or react well to it is another matter. Because you are using knitted fabric, which is stretchy as opposed to traditional woven fabric which is not, when the needle goes through the fabric, instead of puncturing it, the fabric might pull down into the bottom bed, in which case the stitches might not be as perfect as if you were using a woven fabric. If you do manage to embroider onto it, because the fabric is stretchy (whereas the stitches wont be) the texture of the knittred fabric where it has been embroidered might not look or feel that neat. If you want to embroider onto knit I suggest you research how to hand embroider onto knit. This isn't hand embroidery in the normal sence, it involves your stitches following the form of the knitted stitches (almost like over knitting). This way the fabric remains malliable.