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Q: What is a marginal distribution in a contingency table?
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What is the contingency table?

A contingency table is a display of the frequency distribution of two or more categorical variables. It shows the relationship between the variables by organizing the data into rows and columns, with the intersection cells showing the frequency of each combination of variables. Contingency tables are commonly used in statistics to analyze the association between categorical variables.

Does determining a conditional distribution for a two-way table consist of calculating percents for either the row or column sums?

Yes. Conditional distribution applies to fractions of rows/columns. Marginal distribution applies to the totals for each row/column

Is the beta distribution is a special case of dirichlet distribution?

In a sense.Beta distributions are the marginal distributions of the Dirichlet distribution.

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Is the degree of freedom for 7x5 contingency table 24?

Yes, it is.

What gives the probability of each random variable?

The marginal probability distribution function.

What feature borders the occlusal table of a posterior?

marginal ridges

How do you achieve allocative efficiency?

Allocative efficiency is an output level where the price equals the marginal cost of production. This is because the price that consumers are willing to pay is equivalent to the marginal utility that they get. Therefore the optimal distribution is achieved when the marginal utility of the good equals the marginal cost.

What feature borders the occlusal table of the posterior tooth?

marginal ridges

What features border the occlusal table of a posterior tooth?

marginal ridges

When testing for independence in a contingency table with 3 rows and 4 columns?

6 degrees