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Q: What is a mathematical phrase that contains operation numbers and or variables?
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What is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables?

Algebraic expressions is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables.

What is a mathematical phrase containing numbers and operation symbols?

Algebraic expressions is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables.

What is a mathematical phrase that uses variables numbers and operation symbols?

An expression.

A mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers and variables?

An expression.

A mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers and or variables?


What is a mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers, and/or variables without equal signs.?

Algebraic expression

Do All expressions contain variables?

No, not all expressions contain variables. An expression is a mathematical phrase that combines numbers, variables, and mathematical operations. A variable is a symbol that represents a quantity that can vary, such as x or y. Some expressions may only contain numbers and mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, "3 + 5" is an expression that only contains numbers and the addition operation. However, an expression that contains at least one variable is known as an algebraic expression, and this type of expression is commonly used in algebra to represent mathematical relationships between variables. For example, "2x + 4" is an algebraic expression that contains the variable x and represents a linear equation in which y is equal to two times x plus four.

What are the operation symbols?

Operation symbols in mathematics are used to represent mathematical operations, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), and division (÷). These symbols are used to perform calculations and denote relationships between numbers or variables.

What is a combination of variables and numbers and an operation?

complex numbers

Numbers or variables combined with mathematical symbols are called?


The variables and numbers in a mathematical expression?

do you really expect me to know this

What is a mathematical language of symbols numbers including variables?
