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A folliated texture metamorphic rock, like shist.

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Foliated metamorphic rock.

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A schistose texture.

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Q: What is a metamorphic rock that has parallel alignment of mineral grains?
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What is a foiliated metamorphic rock?

A foiliated metamorphic rock is a metamorphic rock that has a texture of parallel alignment of mineral grains. Your Welcome...

Is it true that foliated metamorphic rocks have mineral grains that are randomly placed?

No, foliated metamorphic rocks have mineral grains that are aligned in parallel layers or bands due to the pressure and temperature conditions during their formation. This alignment gives foliated rocks their characteristic layered appearance.

What is the parallel alignment of platy grains in a rock called?

The texture of a rock with aligning parallel platy grains is said to exhibit metamorphic foliation.

What type of metamorphic rock is composed of mineral grains arranged in parallel layers?


Metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite are said to be what because their mineral grains are not arranged in parallel layers or bands?

Metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite are said to be non-foliated because their mineral grains are not arranged in parallel layers or bands like in foliated rocks such as slate or schist. This lack of alignment gives non-foliated rocks a more uniform texture and appearance.

What platy parallel mineral grains are the most visual aspect of foliated metamorphic rocks?


If you found a rock with flat mineral grains which rock would it be?

It is likely a type of metamorphic rock, such as schist or gneiss, which form under high temperature and pressure conditions leading to the alignment of mineral grains into flat layers.

What kind of metamorphic rock has its mineral grains arranged in planes of bands?

Metamorphic rock with mineral grains arranaged in bands or lamellar planes are called foliated metamorphic rocks.

What type of grains does metamorphic rock have?

Metamorphic rocks can have various types of minerals, such as quartz, feldspar, mica, and amphibole, which form grains within the rock. These grains can be elongated or flattened, depending on the degree of metamorphism the rock has undergone. The size, shape, and alignment of these grains provide valuable information about the rock's history and the conditions under which it formed.

The parallel alignment of platy grains?


Parallel alignment of platy grains.?


What does schist mean?

any of a class of crystalline metamorphic rocks whose constituent mineral grains have a more or less parallel or foliated arrangement.