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A mixture made of two parts is hydrogen bond

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1w ago

A mixture made of two parts would contain two different substances blended together, such as sugar and salt mixed in a bowl.

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Q: What is a mixture made of two parts?
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Heterogeneous Substance is mixture. The mixture is made of two different parts that you can detect quite easily.

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Yes it is a heterogeneous mixture. You can distinguish the different parts because garden soil is made up of many different parts.

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A mixture is made of two or more compounds, without chemical bonds.

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Soap is a compound mixture, an element cannot be broken down into smaller parts. Soap can be broken down into the parts that made it. Elements are pure.

Is soil a homogeneous mixture or Heterogeneous?

Yes it is a heterogeneous mixture. You can distinguish the different parts because garden soil is made up of many different parts.

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A solution is a mixture where the parts of the mixture have completely dissolved into one another, such as in sweat tea. A suspension is a mixture where the two parts are together but particulates of one are not dissolved into the other and are instead suspended within, such as in a soup or stew.

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Mechanical Mixture Cereal and milk are mechanical mixture because you have two or more different parts that can be seen with

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They can be can be mixed with the other parts in the mixture.

How is a compound and mixture alike?

Mixtures and compounds are alike in the manner that they are made up of two or more different parts. They are different in the manner, that a compound usually consists of elements being chemically altered, and in a mixture the substances are just combined.

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A homogeneous mixture, also known as a solution, is one in which the components are evenly distributed and the different parts cannot be visually distinguished. This type of mixture appears uniform throughout and has consistent properties.

Is salad a mixture or a solution?

it is a mixture