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A multi-cell battery is a battery that has lots of cells. It's more powerful then a normal battery.

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Q: What is a multicell battery?
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What is multicell thunderstorm?

A multicell thunderstorm is a type of thunderstorm that consists of several cells acting independently, each in a different stage of development. These cells can vary in size, intensity, and lifespan, and can sometimes interact with one another to create complex storm structures. Multicell thunderstorms are common in regions where atmospheric conditions are favorable for thunderstorm development.

Is a jellyfish a multicellelur?

Yes, all more complex life forms have many cells. The opposite to a multicell is single cell.

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Tornadoes are caused by thunderstorms, typically by supercells. Howevere squall lines and multicell storms can sometimes produce tornadoes as well.

What factor determines the classification of a thunderstorm stage?

The factor that determines the classification of a thunderstorm stage is the storm's organization and intensity. Meteorologists classify thunderstorms based on their structure, development, and severity, using criteria such as updraft strength, cloud appearance, and potential for severe weather. These factors determine if a thunderstorm is classified as an ordinary cell, multicell cluster, multicell line, supercell, or squall line.

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Protists can be unicellular, multicellular, or colonial. Some protists are single-celled organisms, while others form colonies of cells, and a few are multicellular with specialized tissues.

What has the author John E Mesko written?

John E. Mesko has written: 'Multicell fluidized-bed boiler design, construction and test program' -- subject(s): Testing, Boilers, Fluidized-bed furnaces

Why are multicell organisms considered complex?

Multicellular organisms are considered complex because they are made up of multiple specialized cells that work together to carry out various functions. These cells are organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems that allow for efficient coordination and communication within the organism. This complexity enables multicellular organisms to adapt to diverse environments and carry out a wide range of biological activities.

Are flagellates a multicell or unicell?

Flagellates are unicellular organisms. They are typically protozoa that possess one or more whip-like structures called flagella for movement.

What is a multi cell thunderstorm?

A multicell thunderstorm is a type of thunderstorm that consists of multiple cells in various stages of development. These cells form in a line or cluster and are often organized in a way that allows them to redevelop after the decay of earlier cells. This can lead to a more sustained and longer-lasting thunderstorm event.

Is a AA battery a 12 volt battery?

No, a double "a" battery is a 1.5V battery.No, a double "a" battery is a 1.5V battery.