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A musical note implies its pitch. In other words it denotes which note should be played on your instrument. There are 7 music notes: A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

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Q: What is a musical note?
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the musical note fa depends on what key you are in

What musical note is do?

It is the first note in the scale

Can you make a musical note with a wine glass and water?

Yes. Any sound can be a musical note

Is a crotchet a type of musical note?

Yes it is a type of musical note (usually lasting for 1 beat)

What is another name for a musical note high or low?

The word to describe how high or low a musical note is, is pitch.

What is the first note on a musical scale?

It's the "tonic note."

What is an A note in music?

It's the name of a note in the musical scale!

What musical note receives 3 beats or counts?

A musical note that contains three beats is called a dotted half note.

What are 3 musical beats called?

An eighth note, a quarter note, and a half note.

First note on a musical scale?
