

What is a myth about the moon?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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The Moon is made of cheese is a moon related myth.

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Q: What is a myth about the moon?
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No the myth about the moon is a made up story .. Because it's a myth if it was a legend than it would be real .. So to sum it up "No."

Are there any myths and legends about the moon?

is there any myth or legends on moon

Is the moon made of cheese a myth or legend?


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No, it is a myth.

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Myth The best time to conceive is during ovulation which is not connected to the phase of the moon.

Why are there myths about the moon?

There is a myth that when a man is bitten by a wolf, they become a werewolf by the full moon

Is there a myth about the moon?

There have been rumors about small,carbon based life under the surface of the moon.

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The Moon Spirits are their ancestors that have moved on from generation to generation.

How did the myth about the moon being made out cheese start?

There is а Telivision program that had the moon and а little mouse eating it.

Is it bad luck to look at the moon through glass?

No, it is not considered bad luck to look at the moon through glass. This is simply a myth with no factual basis. Feel free to enjoy the moon's beauty whether through glass or directly!

Who is the Greek God who controls the moon?

In Greek myth the Goddess not God who controlled the Moon was Artemis, she got the Moon due to his brother Apollo got the Sun.

When the bule moon come and can i see it in Toledo?

a blue moon is just a myth and if it was real you can see it because your looking at the same exact moon as everyone else