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A narrow funnel shaped column of spiraling winds is called a tornado. Tornadoes are a type of severe weather phenomenon characterized by their violent swirling motion and destructive force.

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Q: What is a narrow funnel shaped column of spiraling winds called?
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How do funnel clouds become tornadoes?

A funnel cloud is a potentially tornadic vortex that has not reached the ground. Funnel cloud formation starts when a downdraft wraps around a large circulation called a mesocyclone, squeezing it, and causing it to narrow and stretch downward. If the resulting vortex reaches the ground, it is called a tornado.

Why is a tornado's funnel wide at the top and narrow at the bottom?

A tornado's funnel is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom due to the conservation of angular momentum. As air converges and rises into the tornado, conservation of angular momentum causes the rotating air to spin faster and become more tightly compressed at the base, leading to the funnel shape.

Each hemisphere has 2 narrow belts of fast moving winds called?

Each hemisphere has 2 narrow belts of fast moving winds called jet streams. They are located high in the atmosphere and can influence weather patterns and air travel routes.

What are the deep narrow valleys on the moon called?

The deep narrow valleys on the Moon are called rilles. These are long, winding depressions that can stretch for many kilometers across the lunar surface. Rilles are thought to have been formed by a combination of ancient volcanic activity and tectonic forces.

Why do tornadoes have a cone shape?

Tornadoes have a cone shape due to the way air spins within the storm. The rotating updraft of air causes the tornado to narrow at the base and widen toward the top, creating a cone shape. This shape is a result of the strong winds and pressure differences within the storm system.

Related questions

What does Funnel mean?

A funnel is a cylindrical tube, often with a wide end and a narrow end.

What are most tornadoes shaped like?

A funnel with the narrow end of the funnel pointed downward.

What is a narrow funnel shaped area?


What do you use for transferring liquids into narrow mouthed containers in science?

A funnel is typically used to transfer liquids into narrow-mouthed containers in science. Funnel helps to direct the flow of liquid and prevents spills.

What is a funnel with a long stem called?

A funnel with a long stem is typically called a "long stem funnel." These types of funnels are designed with an extended tube to allow for more precise pouring or transferring of liquids into containers with narrow openings.

Cone shaped tool that helps you pour liquids or fine powders into a narrow opening with out spilling?

That tool is called a funnel.

Why thistle funnel is called so?

Thistle funnel is named after the thistle flower, which it resembles in shape. The narrow stem and wide top of the funnel are similar to the long stem and bulbous head of a thistle plant. The name is descriptive of the funnel's appearance.

How do funnel clouds become tornadoes?

A funnel cloud is a potentially tornadic vortex that has not reached the ground. Funnel cloud formation starts when a downdraft wraps around a large circulation called a mesocyclone, squeezing it, and causing it to narrow and stretch downward. If the resulting vortex reaches the ground, it is called a tornado.

Which of these is a narrow funnel of air extending down from a cumulonimbus cloud?

A tornado is a narrow funnel of air that extends down from a cumulonimbus cloud, usually associated with severe thunderstorms.

What is the use of Funnel in science apparatus?

A funnel is used to transfer fluids into a narrow-mouthed container (to avoid spillage).

What is the name of the casket that is wide at top and narrow at bottom?

a blocked funnel.

What is a narrow funnel of air extending down from a cumulonimbus cloud?

a tornado :) 100%