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Give the letter to Mary. to whom?

The letter is for Mary. for whom?

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Q: What is a noun that answers to whom or for whom?
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What are indirect objects?

A noun that answers the question "To Whom?" ot "To What?" or "For Whom?" or "For What?"

Is an indirect object a noun?

Yes, an indirect object is a noun or pronoun that receives the direct object of a verb. It answers the question "to whom" or "for whom" the action is being done.

What answers whom or what?

The answer to "what" is a thing.The answer to "whom" is a person.The pronoun "whom" functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.The corresponding pronoun "who" functions as the subject of sentence or a clause.The pronoun "what" functions as a subject or an object in a sentence.

What answers what and whom?

The answer to "what" must be a noun or a pronoun that refers to things. It could be the subject or direct object of the sentence. Ex. What ingredient is needed for the cookies? Sugar is needed. (Subject.) What is he buying? He is buying a car. (direct object.) For whom, the answer is going to be a person or people, and it will be the direct object of the sentence. (The answer for who would be the subject.) Ex. Whom are you taking to the dance? (Notice how you is the subject.) I am taking Bruno. (Bruno is the direct object of the sentence. (For who-- Who is taking Bruno to the dance? Bruno is still the direct object. I am taking Bruno. I is the subject.)

In the subject Language Arts what answers what or whom?

In the subject Language Arts, the focus is on studying the English language, including its structure, grammar, vocabulary, and usage. It also involves analyzing literature, understanding different writing styles, and improving communication skills through reading and writing.

In speech what answers what or whom?

In speech and writing the answer to whom (and what) is a noun or pronoun. For example: Whom did John Doe accuse? Answer: He accused Bill Smithers. What did Jane Doe eat?Answer: She ate sirloin steak followed by raspberries with cream.

What are examples of inderect objects?

An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that follows an action verb, receives the direct object, and answers: To whom and To what.

What type of noun is whom?

The word 'whom' is not a noun.The pronoun 'whom' is both a relative pronoun and an interrogative pronoun, depending on use.The pronoun 'whom' is an object pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun as the object of a preposition.The relative pronoun 'whom' introduces a relative clause (a group of words with a subject and a verb but is not a complete sentence) giving information about its antecedent.The interrogative pronoun 'whom' introduces a question. The antecedent of the interrogative pronoun is normally the noun or pronoun that answers the question.Examples:The customer for whom the cake was made will pick it up at four. (relative pronoun, introduces the relative clause)To whom should I send the invoice? (interrogative pronoun)

What answers to What or Whom?

Can you provide more context or specify what you are looking for answers to?

What does a Noun answer?

A noun answers the question, 'What is it?' or 'Who is it?'

What answers what or whom in a?

Proper nouns

What Answers the question whom or what?

an indirect object