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Cardiovascular disease

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Q: What is a pathological condition of the heart in which there is a reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart?
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Is it true when alcohol is consumed the heart function is depressed and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is reduced?

When alcohol is consumed, the heart function is increased and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is increased

What is the term for lack of blood supply to a tissue or organ?

The term most often used is infarction for a complete lack of blood flow to a particular organ (most often used when referring to a muscle such as the heart or skeletal muscle), or ischaemia for severely reduced blood flow. If you are simply referring to a reduced amount of oxygen then tissue hypoxia may apply.

What condition is a Excess of urea creatine and uric acid in the blood called?


85 year old man with CHF reduced kidney function anemia and edema is given blood transfusions lasic every other week along with anti nusea medication How long can this go on?

Well the lasix, which is a diuretic is probably going to be prescribed indefinitely because of the CHF, reduced kidney function and edema. The blood transfusions may stop once your blood labs improve. It's hard to tell because I don't know if the anemia is a long term condition or a complication. Mostly what they look at is your hemoglobin in your blood labs. If your hemoglobin levels improve, and the anemia gets better then it will be up to your doctor. You can however, be on blood transfusions indefinitely. A lot of the times nausea can be caused by fluid volume overload, which sounds like a complication you have from the CHF, so this medication is indefinite too.

What is cerebral ischemia?

Focal cerebral ischemia (FCI) is often results from a blood clot in the brain. The blood flow in the affected area is reduced. The reduction could be severe or mild but usually FCI causes irreversible injury to sensitive neurons.

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The term that means reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart leading to weakness and edema?

Congestive heart failure is the condition in which reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart leads to weakness and edema. Generally, heart failure is used to refer to a state where the heart is pumping less strongly than is normal.

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Is anemia in crohn's disease caused by blood dyscrasias?

Blood dyscrasia is a pathological condition of the blood, usually involving disorders of the cellular elements of the blood. Anemia is most often caused by poor function of the ileum and malabsorption of vitamin B12.

What is a condition in which the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced?

Lack of heamoglobin, lack of iron etc

What is a pathological flirt?

Pathological flirt is same as genetic flirt. It runs through your blood that your basically flirt. When someone flirt with you, you do the same flirt thing.

What are the physiological and pathological causes of increases and decreases Hb in blood?

Q bataon bey

What is the definition of ischemic colitis?

Ischemic colitis is a medical condition in which inflammation and injury result from unhealthy blood supply. Ischemic colitis occurs when blood flow to part of the large intestine is reduced due to narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

What is the medical term meaning Pathologic condition in which the blood 's ability to carry oxygen is reduced due to a shortage of normal hemoglobin or too few red blood cells?

Anemia is the medical term meaning the blood has a reduced ability to carry oxygen due to inadequate hemoglobin or red blood cells. Anemia has many different causes, but iron deficiency is a common one.

Does donating blood cause water retention?

yes it can if you have healthy low blood pressure it can become extra low after donation of blood, and that can cause inproper blood transport to the organs including kidneys, this again after turn gives water retention as e.g. sodium clerance is reduced by a sleapy kidney, until the condition might normalize, evt via reduced sodium intake.

What is blood condition of low numbers of erthrocytes or deficient hemoglobin in the red blood cell?

The blood condition with low numbers of erythrocytes or deficient hemoglobin in the red blood cells is called anemia. This condition can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath due to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. Anemia can have various causes, including nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, or underlying health conditions.

Can you donate blood if you have a canker sore?

canker sore is an extranous growth of the epithelial tissues and have nothing to do with the blood..It is possible to donate blood if it does not have any pathological virus/bacteria.

What pathological conditions can arise from a large increase in blood levels of ketone bodies in diabetics?

diabetic ketoacidosis