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a person who cannot speak or hear is known as a mute

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Rachael Donnelly

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Q: What is a person that cannot hear or speak?
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What is a person called that cannot speak or hear?

a person who cannot speak or hear is known as a mute

What is a person who can't speak see or hear called?

Deaf A hearing impaired person/ Deaf.

A person who cannot speak or hear?

A person who cannot speak or hear is considered deaf-mute. This term is outdated and now replaced with terms like deaf or nonverbal. Communication with this person may involve sign language, written notes, or assistive devices.

Why we cannot speak in space and cannot hear?

We can't speak or hear in space because there is no air the sound can travel through.

What's the medical reference to someone who cannot hear or speak?

The medical reference for someone who cannot hear or speak is \"deaf-mute\".

What lips cannot speak?

A woman's vulva has lip that cannot speak.

What is a person that can hear but cannot speak called?

A person who cannot hear or speak is called a deaf-mute.Someone who cannot hear or distinguish sounds at all is "deaf".Someone with partial deafness may be referred to as "hearing impaired".

What is someone call if they cannot hear or speak?

Someone who cannot hear or speak is often referred to as deaf-mute. However, it's important to note that this term is considered outdated and may be offensive to some individuals. It is more accurate and respectful to describe someone based on their specific condition, such as deaf or nonverbal.

What do you call a person that can't hear or speak?

A person who cannot hear or speak is commonly referred to as "deaf-mute" in older terminology. However, the preferred term today is "deaf and nonverbal" or "deaf and mute" depending on whether the person communicates primarily through sign language or other means.

Who person cannot hear?

People who are def or hard of hearing cannot hear.

What is person who cant hear or speak?

deaf mute person

Can someone you muted hear you talk on Xbox live?

No, if you mute them they cannot hear you.