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Q: What is a poem about nature called?
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Is lake isle of innisfree a nature poem?

yes, it is a nature poem

What is a poem written on shepherds called?

A poem written about shepherds is called a pastoral poem. Pastoral poems typically depict rural life, often focusing on themes of nature, love, and the simplicity of country living.

What is a poem based on husbandrry or agriculture called?

A poem based on husbandry or agriculture is called a pastoral poem. Pastoral poems typically depict rural life, the beauty of the countryside, and the relationship between humans and nature.

Poems on nature by rabindra nath tagore?

Rabindranath Tagore, a prominent Bengali poet and philosopher, wrote many poems on nature that celebrated its beauty and power. One of his famous poems is "Where the Mind is Without Fear," which reflects on the interconnectedness of humanity with nature and the universe. Another well-known poem is "The Gardener," where Tagore describes his deep connection with the natural world through imagery and symbolism.

What is a discursive poem?

A poem that is essayistic in nature and presents an argument

What is a poem written to express grief called?

A poem written to express grief is called an elegy. Elegies are typically reflective and mournful in nature, serving as a way to remember and honor the deceased or a loss.

What is a poem about a poem called?

a poem about a poem.

What is a poem based on agriculture and rural affairs called?

A poem based on agriculture and rural affairs is called a pastoral poem or an eclogue. These poems typically celebrate the beauty of nature, rural life, and the work of farmers. They often include themes of simplicity, harmony with the land, and the changing seasons.

Small poem on conservation of nature?


What is usually the topic of a Haiku poem?


What is a really good theme for a poem?


What are famous haiku poem?

a poem about nature with the sylablle pattern 5-7-5