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2d ago

A prefix for clouds at middle altitudes is "alto-". This prefix is used to indicate clouds that form between approximately 6,500 and 20,000 feet above ground level.

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Q: What is a prefix for clouds at middle altitudes?
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What is the prefix given to clouds at middle altitudes?


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Cloud prefix meaning middle?

The prefix "meso-" means middle or intermediate in cloud classification. For example, mesocyclone refers to a rotating updraft within a thunderstorm.

What are the 3 altitudes of the clouds?

The three main altitudes of clouds are low clouds, which are typically found below 6,500 feet; middle clouds, which are usually between 6,500 and 20,000 feet; and high clouds, which are typically above 20,000 feet. These altitudes can vary depending on the specific cloud types and weather conditions.

What is the prefix for clouds at high and middle altitude?

Clouds at high altitude use the prefix cirro while clouds at middle altitude use the prefix alto. I know this is not in the question but clouds at low altitude don't use any specific prefix. I am also in love with Arturo B.

What cloud is Layered but puffy that occur at middle and lower elevations?

what puffy clouds that can be found at middle altitudes

What cloud is thick puffy clouds that occur at middle altitudes?

it is called the cumulus cloud that is puffy and in the middle altitude.

True or false are stratus clouds seen higher than altocumulus clouds?

False. Altocumulus clouds are typically found at higher altitudes than stratus clouds. Stratus clouds are generally low-lying clouds, while altocumulus clouds are found at middle altitudes.

What Do the prefixes cirro- alto- mean?

The prefix "cirro-" refers to high-altitude clouds, specifically cirrus clouds. The prefix "alto-" refers to middle-altitude clouds, specifically altocumulus and altostratus clouds.

What do scientists classify clouds by?

Cloud classification is based on the height above the ground as well as the appearance or texture of the cloud. The names of the cloud roots according to this system are cirro, alto, strato, nimbo and cumulo.

What are the clouds that that are feathery and are at high altitudes?

Cirrus clouds.

What are clouds altitudes?

up high!