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A theory is never truly "proven" correct; data can be found time and time again that supports a hypothesis, which may then become a theory, but a theory doesn't really graduate to something else if it "seems" correct. Theories are always being modified as new advancements are made.

"Law" (like the law of gravity) is a dated term that essentially equates to a theory in modern science.

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A theory that has been proven true by testing.

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Q: What is a theory called when it is proven to be correct?
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How is law different from a theory?

A Theory is unproven, but Laws are proven. Theory becomes law after that theory is proven correct.

What theory is correct?

No theories are correct. That is why they are called theories. These are the best that can be done with present knowledge, they explain and make prediction that could otherwise not be made. If those explanations are useful and the predictions turn out to be correct it strengthens the theory. It does not prove it. When a theory is proven to be true it is then called a law.

How can you prove that this theory is correct?

In science, a theory is, by definition, proven and accepted as fact.

What one of Albert Einstein's theory was proven correct?

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A scientist on television states that a hypothesis cannot be proven Access why this statement is correct?

When a hypothesis is proven, it is no longer a hypothesis; a proven hypothesis is a theory.

Is it correct to say gravity is only a theory?

No. It's never correct to say that anything is "only" a theory or "just" a theory or"merely" a theory or "nothing but" a theory or an "unproven" theory.A theory can never be proven, but it can be dis-proven in two seconds. If a theoryhas been around for three hundred years and it hasn't been dis-proven yet, thenthat's a pretty good indication that you can trust the statement it makes.

How are law and theory related?

A scientific theory is an idea that is supported by a hypothesis. Once the theory is proven to be permanently correct, it is a law or fact.

How theory and laws related?

A scientific theory is an idea that is supported by a hypothesis. Once the theory is proven to be permanently correct, it is a law or fact.

When and why do scientists discard scientific theory?

Scientific theorums are normally discarded after they have been proven to be wrong after a series of testing to verify if the theory was correct or not. Scientific theorums can take years, sometimes decades to be proven to be correct or incorrect.

What are facts proving the Big bang theory?

If it was proven it wouldn't be called a "theory"

Can theories be proven?

Well yeah. Its called a theory because it wasn't proven right yet. Once proven right, its called a fact.

What are some words that mean the opposite of theory?

A theorem is an unproven statement; a proven statement is a fact. A theory is a set of theorems; a theory which has been proven can be called a law or a rule.