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the length of an event in time or distance is quantitative and the number of things is also

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Q: What is a quantitative value measured during an experiment?
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Is there financial value in corporate values?

Yes, there is. A company's core values, like fair dealing and transparency, can result in a better reputation and more investors. This can lead to a better financial standing. However, this is an intangible value and cannot be measured.

What is the meanig of cumulative purchases in calculation of portfolio turnover ratio according to sebi?

Turnover is a measure of portfolio trading activity over some period of time. If you sold and then bought $50,000 of stocks in a portfolio with an average market value of $1 million during a year, turnover would be 5%. "Cumulative purchases" would be the total dollar amount of stocks bought during the year (or whatever time period is being measured).

What is a business transaction?

Answer:It is the business event ( activity ) which can be measured in term of money. and which must be recorded in business book ( or system) of account. For example to buy raw material for your business. Raw material has a money value. so we can measured the raw material in term of money. ( it costs 2000$ to buy a machine)

What is the remuneration for capital?

Capital is monetary value, and the use of capital is generally called an investment. The remuneration received for capital is usually equity (share of a value, tangible or derivative). More specifically, capital that establishes equity in a corporation receives dividends, while money loaned receives interest. The relative effectiveness of an investment can be measured by the return on investment or ROI (the ratio of value received compared to value invested).

What is the total market value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a given period usually a year?

Gross national product

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Is toxicity is a qualitative property or a quantitative property?

It is a quantitative property because a substance toxic level can be measured and assigned a value Save

Is toxicity a quantitative or qualitative property?

It is a quantitative property because a substance toxic level can be measured and assigned a value Save

Is the assessed value of a house qualitative or quantitative?

The assessed value of a house is quantitative because it can be measured and expressed as a specific dollar amount, usually based on factors such as the property's size, location, condition, and recent sales of comparable properties.

What is the cornerstone concept in physics?

Experiment. Experiments involving measurement of the number of multiples of the base units in each of the ways reality can be measured. That is why physics is called the quantitative science, the science of quantities where a quantity is a numerical value multiplied by units of measurement.

Is bubbly an example of a qualitative or a quantitative observation?

Qualitative observations are those that cannot be measured mathematically or assigned a value. For example, "the sky is blue," is a qualitative observation, it has no mathematical value associated with it. Quantitative observations are those that have a mathematical value. For example, "this desk is 1 meter long" is a quantitative observation. Therefore, noting that something is bubbling is an example of a qualitative observation.

What is an example of a quantitative property?

Any property of an object that can be measured and given a numerical value. A girls weight and height are quantitative properties. But her good looks is not a quantitative property, even though people try like "on a scale from 1 to 10. Its still not measurable.

Is home value qualitative or quantitative?


Is freezing point quantitative or qualitative property?

The freezing point is a quantitative property because it can be measured and expressed as a specific temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid state. This value is characteristic of the substance and can be used to identify or classify it.

What is the scientific definition for constant?

In science, a constant is a value that does not change during an experiment or study. Constants remain consistent to ensure that the impact of other variables can be accurately observed and measured.

Would you consider sugar value qualitative data?

No, sugar value is considered quantitative data because it can be measured and expressed as a numerical value. Qualitative data typically consists of non-numeric information such as colors, shapes, or opinions.

A sentence for the word dependent variable?

The dependent variable is the factor being measured or observed in an experiment, and its value is dependent on the independent variable.

Is sales rank a quantitative or qualitative variable?

Sales rank is a quantitative variable. The underlying value is sales, obviously a quantitative value. The median, minimum, maximum and percentile values are all quantitative statistics based on the ranking of data.