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These elements are: Rb, Sr, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe.

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6y ago
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12y ago

Sn (Tin) Is one reactive non-metal in period 5.

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6y ago

There are eight elements in the 5th period that are not transition metals. They are:

Rb, Sr, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe

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11y ago

This element is the halogen iodine.

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3y ago

it would be Astatine

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Q: What element in the 5th period is not a transition metal?
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Silver is a transition metal. It falls in 11th Group and 5th Period of elements in Periodic Table.

What element is a transition element?

A transition element is any element that is a transition metal on the Periodic Table.Added: All elements in group 3 to 12 (period 4, 5 and 6) are transition elements: they have 2 electrons in their most outer shell ( 4th, 5th, and 6th shell) while the shell of 'one level lower' (3rd, ... and so on) is filled up by 1 electron in each of the ten steps higher in atom number)Atom numbers from 21 to 30 (Sc to Zn) and 39 to 48 (Y to Cd) are the most common transition metals, but also 72 to 80 (Hf to Hg) in period 6, coming right behind the lanthanides (58-71).[The transition metals reside in the middle of the Periodic Table but do not contain rare earth metals: the Lanthanides and Actinides.]

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Elements in the 11th group are.Cu,Ag,Au. Out of them, Ag is in the 5th period. Ag is a metal element in the d block.

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The 5th period.

Which element is in the 5th period and the 11th group?


What is transitional elements?

A transition element is any element that is a transition metal on the Periodic Table.Added: All elements in group 3 to 12 (period 4, 5 and 6) are transition elements: they have 2 electrons in their most outer shell ( 4th, 5th, and 6th shell) while the shell of 'one level lower' (3rd, ... and so on) is filled up by 1 electron in each of the ten steps higher in atom number)Atom numbers from 21 to 30 (Sc to Zn) and 39 to 48 (Y to Cd) are the most common transition metals, but also 72 to 80 (Hf to Hg) in period 6, coming right behind the lanthanides (58-71).[The transition metals reside in the middle of the Periodic Table but do not contain rare earth metals: the Lanthanides and Actinides.]

Which family does technetium belongs to?

The element technetium is a transitional metal. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on technetium.

What is the largest 5th period metal on the periodic table?

Tin (SN)

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Yes. Beethoven's 5th Symphony was a "bridging piece" of his middle composing period, showing a clear transition from his early period and his more "Classical" works to his final period and the developing Romantic Era.

What period is cadmium in?

Cadmium is in 5th group of periodic table, it is a 'd' block element of Zinc family.

What does the period number say about the elemnt?

It shows the horizonal row of the element so like Ex: Rb which is period 5 cause u count how many rows there is and when u find the element(He) it is in the 5th row

What is the name of the element in the 5th period 11th group?

There are only 7 groups. There are no more.