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Q: What is a relation between classical dance and folk dance?
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Can a semi classical dance be a folk dance?

yes it can be...

Difference between classical dance and folk dance?

Folk dancing is a simple dance form meant for group performance created for a reason like harvest of food, while classical is for enlightenment. Classical Indian dance is based on Natya Shastra.

What is the difference between popular dancing and folk?

Folk dancing is a simple dance form meant for group performance created for a reason like harvest of food, while classical is for enlightenment. Classical Indian dance is based on Natya Shastra.

Can a folk song be a semi classical dance?

yes it can be...

Nat natin is a classical dance of which state?

BIHAR. Also jat-jatin is the folk dance of BIHAR

What is the difference between folk dance and ritualistic dance?

Tribal dance refers to a dance being performed/originated by people living in a tribal society, while folk dancing doesn't say anything about how the society is ordered. It might be feudal or anything.

What is the nature of folk dance?

traditional folk dance,occupational folk dance

What is famous dance in Pakistan?

"Kathak" is a classical dance that developed in the royal courts of the Mughals. Folk dances include Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Sindh.

Who the composer of alitaptap folk dance?

Bla Bartk was the composer of the Alitaptap Folk Dance. It was composed during the period between 1910 and 1949.

All about folk dance?

what is folk dance is about

What are the dance steps in the folk dance balse?

it is a kind of folk dance

What is tiksiw?

Tiksiw is a folk dance. This is a folk dance of the Philippines. A folk dance is a type of dance that is considered part of a cultures tradition.