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a map

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Q: What is a representation of the Earth's rounded surface on a flat piece of paper?
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What term is defined as illusion of three dimensional texture created on a twodimesional surface such as canvas wood or paper?

trompe l'oeil

How big is 277 square feet?

-- A circle with 277 square feet of area inside it has a diameter of about 18.78 feet. (rounded) -- A square with 277 square feet of area inside it has sides that are each about 16.64 feet. (rounded) -- It takes 426.6 sheets of standard printer paper to cover 277 square feet.

What is a curved surface and a curved edge in geometry 5th grade level?

A curved surface is like imagining a sheet of paper that is bent or a flag waving in the wind. A curved edge is like an elastic stick bent in one(C curve) or more points(S curve). The curved surface beeing 3 dimensional(3D) and the curved edge 2 dimensional(2D) unlike the simple surface and edge which are 2D respectively 1D.

What is a horizontal plane?

A plane is a flat surface that extends infinitely. Think of it as a piece of paper that goes on in every direction (but not "up" out of the paper). A horizontal plan just means that it extends horizontally (like a piece of paper on a desk). Another example would be the floor you are standing on or the ceiling above it. However, your monitor is - more than likely - facing up and down. That is NOT a horizontal plane.

What is a flat surface with no edge or boundaries?

A flat surface, like a sheet of paper, with no edges (ie: it goes on and on and on and on....) or boundaries. What you're describing is a 2 dimensional plane. No, not plane like an airplane. A plane is simply a flat "sheet" that goes on forever in 2 dimensions: left/right (wide) and up/down (tall).

Related questions

What is a representation of the earths rounded surface on a flat piece of paper?

a map

Is a symbolic representation of all or part of the earths surface on a flat of paper?

A map.

What is a symbolic representation of all or part of the earths surface on a flat piece of paper?

The two dimensional representation of the Earth's surface on piece of paper is called a map. Maps can show an area in great detail or in very broad outlines.

N the 1500s gerardus mercator found a way to show the earths surface on pieces of paper?

Gerardus Mercator developed the Mercator projection in the 16th century, which is a cylindrical map projection that preserves straight lines. This projection became popular for navigation due to its ability to show lines of constant course as straight lines on the map. While it distorts the size of objects away from the equator, it is still widely used for world maps.

What can tectonic plates form when they divide?

When tectonic plates divide they create divergent boundaries, which can cause the earths surface to divide and split up, almost like when you rip a piece of paper

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What is a representation of the earth on a flat piece of paper?

A chart or a map.

What is oslo paper?

Oslo paper is a kind of a paper which is thick and it has a rough surface

What is ESD paper?

The paper has a hard surface, is printable with no bleeding.

Cartographers can represent the spherical Earth on flat paper by making a which is like casting shadows from the spherical world onto a flat piece of paper?

It is a drawing of the earth on a flat surface

Does paper have a high air resistance?

No, because the paper has a smaller surface area.

What happens when a paper is crumpled?

Paper matter is condensed into a smaller surface area.