

Does paper have a high air resistance?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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No, because the paper has a smaller surface area.

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Q: Does paper have a high air resistance?
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Which has more air resistance the flat paper or the crampled paper?


What do you mean by Air Resistance?

Air resistance is something that slows down falling objects. A sheet of paper has a lot of air resistance, that is why it falls so slowly.

Why a flat piece of paper is affected more by air resistance than a crumpled up one?

Since their is more room for the air to "grab onto" the paper, it has more air resistance then a crumpled up paper. Hoped this helped!! :D

What force makes paper float when it is falling?

It is caused by the air pressure under the falling paper. It is referred to as the air resistance.

Why a crumpled paper can throw further than a flat piece of paper?

Less air resistance.

Which fall faster coin or a crumpled paper?

This is a classic question. In a vacuum, both the the coin and the crumpled paper fall at the same rate due to the absence of air resistance.(Their acceleration being the same) However, in air, the relative air resistance on the paper is greater than on the coin.(relative, because the coin and the paper do not have the same mass, so the proportion of air resistance as compared to weight is the one relevant) So the acceleration of the paper decreases to zero more rapidly than the coin.(it will decrease to zero provided the objects are released from a sufficiently high point from the earth's surface). Thus, the coin will fall faster in air.

Why does paper hit the ground slower than the stone?

Air resistance.

Does aluminum have a high air resistance?

Air resistance depends mainly on an object's shape, not so much on the material.

Why does a flat piece of paper fall slower than a crumbled piece of paper?

A flat piece of paper has a larger surface area, creating friction with the air, or more air resistance. There is more air surrounding the piece of paper, and this slows it down. A crumpled piece of paper has less surface area to create friction, meaning less air resistance. This causes it to fall faster.

What are examples of air resistance?

paper dropping slower than a tv remote because air resistance is resisting the paper because it has a wider edge where a tv remote has a smaller edge their for it falls down faster

Why does decreasing the surface area of a piece of paper decrease its air resistance when it is dropped in the air?

Thanks for the Hairbrush.

Why does decreasing the surface area of a piece of paper decreases its air resistance when it is dropped in the air?

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