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ummm a square ☺ ummm a square ☺

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Q: What is a s hape with 90 degree angle?
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Does a parallelogram have a 90 degree angle?

No , a parallelogram can not have a 90 Degree angle .Reason : A Parallelogram can be defined as a quadrilateral whose two s sides are parallel to each other and all the four angles at the vertices are not 90 degrees or right angles, then the quadrilateral is called a parallelogram.

What is the complement and suplement of a 41 degree angle?

C = 90 - 41 = 49 deg S = 180 - 41 = 139 deg

What is the latitudinal?

90 degree S and 0 degree E

What is the Latitudinal extent?

90 degree S and 0 degree E

What does it mean to lay a hardwood floor at a ninety degree angle?

i guess it means if you are laying floor s down and in your room you have a corner that is ninety degrees, you would be laying down floors in a 90 degree angled area

What is the latitudinal extent Antarctica?

90 degree S and 0 degree E

Discuss the validity of extrapolating the acceleration value to an angle of 90?

Extrapolate the experimental values of acceleration, vs. angle of the incline, to find the acceleration when the angle of inclination = 90 degrees. The acceleration at 90 degrees will equal 9.81 m/s/s, since this is the free-fall acceleration.

The smallest angle in a triangle measures 90 degrees less than the largest angle the middle angle measures 60 degrees less than the largest angle find the measure of each angle?

S + M + L = 180 S = L - 90, M = L - 60 so (L - 90) + (L - 60) + L = 180 ie 3L = 180 + 90 + 60 L = 60 + 30 + 20 , = 110 degrees, so M = 50 degrees and S = 20 degrees

What is the supplement of 52 degrees?

128 degrees.An angle's supplement, when added to the original angle, will form a straight (180 degree) angle.

What s hape with 3 lines of symmetry?

An equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle.

How is 90 north degree different from 90 degree south?

the latitude of the north pole is 90 degrees N,and the latitude of the south pole is 90 degrees S and because each parallel measures one degree north or south of the equator.

What are some characteristics of acute triangle?

it s a angle that is less than 90 degrees.