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believe it is homo sapiensI

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The foetus.

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Q: What is a scientific name for a person?
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'Mottephobe' is the scientific name for 'person fearful of moths'. The term also may refer to a 'person who dislikes moths' or to the 'person who is disgusted by moths'. The name for the fear, dislike or disgust is 'mottephobia'.

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A person with two distinct sets of DNA is called a chimera, which occurs when two fertilized eggs fuse together during early development. This can result in different genetic material present in different tissues of the body.

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The scientific name for a person who loves rain is "pluviophile." This term is derived from the Latin word "pluvial," which means rain, and the Greek word "phile," which means lover.

What is the scientific name of a person?

I believe it is homo sapiens! I believe it is homo sapiens!

What is the common scientific name given the original parents of a person?

The common scientific name for the original parents of a person is "biological parents" or "genetic parents." These terms refer to the individuals who contribute their genetic material to create a child.

How do you post a scientific idea to a authorised person or institute?

Get the name and address and send it. You could also send it to a journal such as Scientific American, or Nature

What is the scientific name for a person that is afraid of chickens?

ornithaphobia is the fear of birds, im not sure if there is a certain name for the fear of chickens.

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PANTOMIMIST noun1.a person who acts in pantomime. 2.the author of a pantomime.

What is the scientific name for chrysanthemums?

The scientific name for chrysanthemums is Chrysanthemum spp.