

Best Answer

Gold is a chemical element. Its symbol is Au, from the initial letters of the Latin word for gold: aurum.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word element?
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A sentence using the word element?

Helium is an inert gaseous element. This is a sentence using the word "element".

Make a sentence using the word element?

A sentence using the word element in it: There is 50 kinds of different elements

How do I use the word element in a sentence?

Chromium is an element!

How can you use the word element in a sentence?

I enjoy this element.

Can you give a sentence using the word element?

i have the element of time

How do you use the word element in sentence?

There are various elements that have not been discovered yet. This is a sample sentence containing element in it.

How do you use the word element in a sentence?

Each of oxygen and nitrogen is a chemical element.

What type of element is a descriptive word phrase or clause that is not essential to the meaning of a sentence.?

Nonrestrictive element.

What is a meaningful sentence with the word elemet?

Assuming the request is for a sentence using the word "element" (since there is no English word "elemet"), here are two examples:Helium is the chemical element with atomic number 2.One big advantage to Drew's plan was that it had the element of surprise.

What is a sentence containing the word radioactive?

Francium is a "radioactive" element.

What is a sentence with the word visual in it?

The visual element of the film was awesome.

What is a sentence with the word hydrogen?

"Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table."