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The state or quality of being heavy in its various senses; weight; sadness; sluggishness; oppression; thickness.

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The heaviness of the backpack made it difficult to climb the steep hill.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word heaviness?
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Can you give me a sentence for the word heaviness?

The heaviness of the truck tire was too much for me to pick up. The heaviness of the comment was too much to bear.

What is the root word for heaviness?

The root word for heaviness is "heavy."

Is heaviness a word?

Yes, it is a word. The hotel porter was surprised at the heaviness of the traveller's small suitcase.

What part of speech is heaviness?

The word heaviness is a noun. It is an uncountable noun.

What is a sentence for heaviness?

The heaviness of the bag made it difficult for her to carry it home.

What is a sentence for the word weight?

Weight refers to the heaviness of an object. A sentence containing the word weight might be, "The carnival had a weight-guessing booth, and the two fat ladies were eager to see if they could win a prize."

How do you use heaviness in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He felt a strange heaviness as he left the spaceship.Hie heart was filled with heaviness at the death of his brother.Heaviness in the legs could be a symptom of circulatory problems.

How do you use heaviness in sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He felt a strange heaviness as he left the spaceship.Hie heart was filled with heaviness at the death of his brother.Heaviness in the legs could be a symptom of circulatory problems.

What is a sentence for the word weight in science?

In science weight means the heaviness or mass of an object. It is determined by the local acceleration of gravity times the mass of the body.

What is the abstract noun of heavy?

The abstract noun of "heavy" is "heaviness."

How many syllables in heaviness?

Heaviness has three syllables. The syllables are heav-i-ness.

What is heaviness and lightness of a person is?
